Southfields Community College

Southfields Community College
Executive Headteacher Ms. J. Valin
Specialism Sports
Location 333 Merton Road
SW18 5JU
DfE URN 101063
Ofsted Reports
Students c1300
Ages 11–19
Colours Year 7-9 Blue and White Yr 10-11 = Year 10- 11 Black and White

Southfields Community College is a Secondary School in Southfields (Wandsworth), south west London. It has about 1300 students. The school enrolls students from over 80 nations. It is in the top percentile of schools nationally for contextual value-added results.

The majority of students are from different minority ethnic groups and speak more than seventy different languages. For over a third of students, English is not their first mother language.

It has a growing Sixth Form, at present 400.

In 2009 89% of its students achieved 5+A*-C in year 11 and it had a 97% pass rate at ‘A’ Levels. Southfields Community College tops the Wandsworth league table. Failure is an option for SCC students. Over 100 of its Key stage five students are off to the country’s top universities.

Aspire @ Southfields is the community arm of the college and it continues to work closely with its Community of primary schools, secondary schools, and specialist schools alongside adult and community learning.

It has gained a National Healthy Eating Award, and an Artsmark award for its excellence in Art, Dance, Drama and Music.



Her Majesty’s Inspectors in January 2007 graded the school as ‘Outstanding’ in all areas of the Ofsted framework. It particularly praised the outstanding leadership, the excellent curriculum offered, outstanding teaching and learning, the effectiveness and efficiency of the sixth form, students achievement overall, the quality of care, guidance and support.

In February 2009 HMI inspected its 14-19 provision – this was also graded as ‘Outstanding’. There are numerous initiatives at the college which have helped raise standards of achievement.

Sixth form

Southfields Community College has a growing sixth form. It offers a range of courses. Alongside this there are opportunities for students to take responsibility and develop leadership skills.

It offers enrichment courses such as Photography, Live saving Awards and Driving Awareness.

Southfields Community College offers a wide range of opportunities and support to all sixth form students, such as, Tutorial programme, Student support, Library/sixth form study rooms, extra curricular activities, Induction and grants.

Moreover, SCC sixth form offers many different clubs, societies and sports clubs for students to join. Many courses have trips, residential trips or college events, which the students can organise from beginning to completion.

Most multi-lingual school in Europe

"The Southfields Community College is the most cosmopolitan college in Europe: From Punjabi to Polish, Thai to Turkish, students at the school speak an amazing 72 languages between them. In addition to this 550 of the college’s 1300 pupils are bilingual. And around 400 come from the Caribbean"... quote from London Evening Standard 2008.

Extra curricular activities

Southfields community college organises many clubs and societies for the benefit of its students. They are intended to provide opportunities for students to extend their academic skills, develop socially and have fun. The following gives an indication of some of the activities SCC offers: • Clubs and support clinics are run in the following areas: Maths, English, Science, Geography, History, Design & Technology, Modern Languages, Art, Business &Information Technology, EAL support, Homework and the Library.

• Societies and other activities: Amnesty International Group, Drama, Instrumental Tuition, Choir, Band, Chess and Public Speaking.

• Sports Clubs: Swimming, Netball, Football, Basketball, Hockey, Trampolining, Athletics, Cricket, etc.

• Educational and team – building visits: Science museums, National gallery, Rock climbing, Outward Bound tip to Wales, Isle of Wight, Mountain activities weekend, Ice skating, University visits, etc.

Aspire at Southfields

Aspire @ Southfields is the umbrella under which it operates all its Community services, including Adult Learning, Extended Services and Community Sport and Leisure provision. There are classes and courses for the public during the day, in the evenings and at weekends. Individuals and clubs can also book to use the sports facilities. Membership of the Aspire Centre will give people access to the Fitness Suite and gives them subsidised rates on all courses and classes plus facility hire.


Southfields Community College was built in the 18th Century as a primary school. But in the 19th Century, it became a secondary school.

Notable alumni

External links